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Elana joins husband Bill Press and BSUD Jewish Parents for Collective Liberation at a Berkeley School Board meeting. “Berkeley students, teachers say civil rights complaint conflates antisemitism with criticism of Israel”


Elana helps build tents for unhoused and displaced Berkeleyans after the i-80 encampment closure.
Elana Auerbach protesting after the murder of George Floyd

I love Berkeley!

Both my husband and I work here, and my teenage son attends Berkeley High. I am not a politician. I am a mother, a spouse, an activist, and a writer. I will put whatever is best for all Berkeleyans, particularly the historically left out and left behind, over personal ambition. Unlike many local politicians, I don't view Berkeley City Council as a stepping stone to higher office. I am deeply invested in the Berkeley community, and I am running for City Council to elevate our city for all of the people who live and work here.

I’m excited to be using Berkeley’s Public Financing Program to fund my campaign! For every Berkeley registered voter who donates $10 - $60, the city will match the funds 6 to 1. This means that I’m relying on community fundraising, and will not be taking any money from developers or big business. I won't have to answer to big-money funders. I will only answer to the people.

Almost four years ago, George Floyd’s murder catalyzed me to research the Berkeley Police Department (BPD). I learned that in 2013, Kayla Moore, a transgender Black woman with known mental health challenges, was killed in her own apartment when BPD responded to a mental health crisis call. How could I have not known about this, having lived in Berkeley since 2006? I was dismayed by my ignorance, and was deeply compelled to educate myself and get involved in making Berkeley better.

Unlike many local politicians, I don't view Berkeley City Council as a stepping stone to higher office. I am deeply invested in the Berkeley community, and I am running for City Council to elevate our city for all of the people who live and work here.




I first visited Berkeley in 1986, on a road trip with my parents after graduating from high school. I felt at home immediately, though it would take me many years to get back to Berkeley. In the meantime, I graduated Magna Cum Laude from UCLA with a degree in Math and Economics. I worked as a management consultant in Los Angeles, and then moved to New York City for a job with Nomura Securities in their burgeoning commercial real estate finance division. There, I saw into the belly of the beast of greed and that experience informed my politics of needing a new bottom line of generosity, kindness, environmental sanity, justice and equity.

In the late 90’s, I moved to London. Inspired to create more connection and peace in the world, I trained as a mediator, and started a communication skills training and family mediation practice.

Over the last four years, I have become deeply committed to local activism and organizing. I have supported struggling small businesses to stay afloat. I have also supported our senior neighbors with mutual aid and tenant advocacy. I served on the
Berkeley Tenants Union steering committee and helped to shepherd the organization through difficult circumstances. For many years, I’ve been a member of Berkeley Copwatch, shining a light on police brutality and investigating the harmful and unlawful behavior of the Berkeley police. I was on the front lines several times at People’s Park when Berkeley became a police terror state. I have worked on the streets housing the unhoused and connecting them with needed resources. 


I have also written a Reimagining Berkeley column for the Berkeley Times. My platform is based on my direct experience with the people of Berkeley, as well as those Berkeleyans who have been displaced due to redlining and gentrification. Recently, I have been organizing for a Berkeley Ceasefire Resolution in Gaza, as well as with the Berkeley Unified School District Jewish parents for Collective Liberation.


I am the one you can count on to be a voice of and for the people as we, together, reclaim our beloved Berkeley from special interests and return it to the people!

Elana Auerbach standing with UC student workers and Berkeley Tenants Union in the UAW picket line

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